29. Meetings of the Council -
The Council shall ordinarily meet for the transaction of business in the month of February and September in each year; but the President may, whenever he thinks fit and shall, upon a written requisition of not less than seven members and on a date not later than fifteen days after the receipt of such requisition, call an extra-ordinary meeting.
The exact date, hour and place of such meeting shall be decided by the President.
Notwithstanding anything contained in this Part if the President in the exercise of his discretion shall deem that shorter notice is expedient such notice shall be sent by telegram or other more expeditious means.
30. Notices of meetings -
All members of the Council shall be given thirty clear days notice of an ordinary meeting. Every notice shall also be posted at the office of the council. Such notice shall specify the date, time and place of the meeting and business to be transacted thereat.
The Registrar shall send to all members explanatory notes on the Agenda at least ten clear days before the date fixed for an ordinary meeting.
31. Motions for insertion in agenda - Any member may send a motion to be inserted in the Agenda for an ordinary meeting so as to reach the President twenty clear days before the date fixed for the meeting. The Registrar shall take the orders of the President for inclusion of such motion in the Agenda, and where any motion is disallowed the reasons for doing so shall also be communicated along with the decision to the member who sent the motion.
32. Attendance of meetings - At each meeting an attendance register shall be placed in the meeting room and every member present shall sign against his name in the register.
33. Business to be transacted at meetings - At on ordinary meeting no business or proposition other than that specified in the Agenda, and in the case of an extraordinary meeting in the written request made for convening such meeting shall be transacted :
Provided that, the presiding authority may permit any business or proposition to be discussed which is of an urgent nature and which could not reasonably be entered in the notice.