MSPC Rules 1969 - Chapter 5


38. Composition - The Executive Committee of the Council shall consist of the President who shall be the ex-officio Chairman of the Executive Committee and Vice President, ex-officio, and three members of the Council elected by ballot at the first meeting of the Council. Of the three members so elected there shall be at least two Registered Pharmacists. The Executive Committee so elected shall hold office till the election of the new Executive Committee.

39. Disability to continue as member - A member shall cease to be a member of the Committee, -

  1. if he ceases to be a member of the Council; or
  2. if he remains absent from two consecutive meetings of the Committee without the leave of the Committee.

40. Resignation of member - A member may resign at any time by a notice in writing to the President. Such resignation shall take effect from the date on which it is accepted by the President.

41. Casual vacancies -

  1. The Council shall as soon as there is a casual vacancy in the office of a member of the Executive Committee fill it up by electing a member from amongst its members :

    Provided that, any such vacancy, occurring within two months prior to the expiry of the term of the members shall not be filled.
  2. A member elected under sub-rule (1) shall hold office so long as the member in whose place he is elected would have held it, if the vacancy had not occurred.

42. Acting as Registrar - In the case of the death of the Registrar or his incapacity from illness or his proceeding on leave for more than one month a person may with the previous sanction of the State Government be appointed by the Executive Committee to perform temporarily the duties of the Registrar. The Executive Committee shall grant leave to the Registrar in accordance with the provisions of the Civil Services Rules applicable to State Government servants, from time to time.

43. Calling of meetings - The Committee shall ordinarily meet once in every month on such date and at such place as may be fixed by the President. The President may, whenever he thanks fit and shall, upon a written requisition of not less than two members and on a date not later than seven days after the date of receipt of such request call an extraordinary meeting.

44. Notice of meetings - All members of the Executive Committee shall be given seven clear days' notice of an ordinary meetings and three clear days' notice in the case of an extraordinary meeting. Such notice shall specify the place, date and time of the meeting, and state whether the meeting is a general meeting or a special meeting and the business to be transacted thereat.

45. Attendance at meetings -

  1. At each meeting an attendance register shall be placed in the meeting room and every member present shall sign before his name in the register.
  2. For a meeting of the Executive Committee three members including the President and the Vice President shall be a quorum.

46. Business to be transacted at meetings - At any ordinary meeting no business other than that specified in the notice calling such meeting and in the case of an extraordinary meeting in the written request made for convening such meeting shall be transacted :

Provided that, the presiding authority may permit any business to be discussed which is of urgent nature and which could not reasonably be entered in the notice.

47. Adjournment of meetings -

  1. If there is no quorum present, the presiding authority shall adjourn the meeting to another day, and cause a notice to be posted on the notice board at the office of the Council and sent to each member of the Committee. The business which would have been brought before the original meeting had there been a quorum thereat shall be brought before the adjourned meeting and may be disposed of at such meeting whether there be a quorum or not.
  2. Any special or ordinary meeting may, with the consent of a majority of members present, be adjourned from time to time, but only the business left undisposed of at the meeting from which the adjournment took place shall be transacted at the adjourned meeting subject to the proviso to rule 46.

48. Decision at meetings -

  1. All questions at a meeting of the Executive Committee shall be decided by a majority of votes of the members present, and voting.
  2. The presiding authority shall have second or casting vote in all cases of quality of votes.

49. Minutes of meetings - The Executive Committee shall keep minutes of proceedings of each meeting which shall be dealt with according to the same procedure as that indicated in Chapter IV for the minutes of the Council.

50. Powers, duties and functions of Executive Committee -

  1. The Executive Committee shall consider all petitions of applications addressed to the Council and shall submit its report thereon to the Council.
  2. Subject to the provisions of the Preceding rule, all petitions addressed to the Council immediately before or during the sessions of the Council shall be laid upon the table.
  3. The Committee shall consider and prepare a report on any subject which may seem to require the attention of the Council or on such subjects as may be indicated to it by the Council.
  4. The Executive Committee shall, before each meeting of the Council prepare the business for the consideration of the Council.
  5. The Executive Committee shall superintend the publication of the Register of Pharmacists which shall be prepared by the Registrar who shall cause it to be printed. A Statement of the distribution of the copies of the Register to the Government Offices as approved by the Government and to others as may be directed by the Executive Committee shall be added annually to the Register as printed.
  6. The Executive Committee shall order each year such number of copies of the Register of Pharmacists to be printed as may seem to the Registrar to be required on a revision of the annual distribution list which shall be prepared by the Registrar.